Only verified artists can apply for collabs. To get an artist account claim your artist profile now!


About the artist

Ravetop is the filter of all music captured through his listening experience overtime, it is music that preserves the purest components of its roots, seeking diversity and innovation.

Rango Precio Colaboración


Tiempo de entrega: 2 semana(s)


Fill in the information about the track you would like this artist to work in.

Apply for $ 10 $ 5

Explain track concept, release plan, etc.
Paste the link of the track that the artist will participate in (Google drive, wetransfer, etc).
Type your offer in $USD to collab with this artist. (We suggest to check the price range above). We will open a negotiation channel if your application is accepted by the artist.
In order for us to guarantee the quality of applications and tracks, and to keep improving our service, we charge a small fee. This fee is not refundable. Once your application is accepted and the collab price is negotiated with the artist you will get a link to pay the artist.
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