Only verified artists can apply for collabs. To get an artist account claim your artist profile now!

Dolce Diablo

About the artist

Rango Precio Colaboración


Tiempo de entrega: 2 semana(s)


Fill in the information about the track you would like this artist to work in.

Apply for $ 10 $ 5

Explain track concept, release plan, etc.
Paste the link of the track that the artist will participate in (Google drive, wetransfer, etc).
Type your offer in $USD to collab with this artist. (We suggest to check the price range above). We will open a negotiation channel if your application is accepted by the artist.
In order for us to guarantee the quality of applications and tracks, and to keep improving our service, we charge a small fee. This fee is not refundable. Once your application is accepted and the collab price is negotiated with the artist you will get a link to pay the artist.
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